onsdag 12 maj 2010

DICE pratar BFBC2 Onslaught till PC

Nu har spelutvecklarna DICE gått ut och kommenterat avsaknaden av spelläget Onslaught till PC-versionen av Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Som bekant finns den i dagsläget bara till Xbox 360 och PlayStation 3 och här är anledningen till varför:
The question of "What about PC?" is coming up in the comments quite a lot already so this is what the situation is.

No, we haven't signed away rights to console on this. The problem we have on PC is that all our servers are dedicated with providers. Changing a server from Conquest 32 players to Onslaught 4 players cuts out 28 player slots from the total ammount available. This could have a dramatic affect on the PC online environment if enough servers changed to Onslaught.

We aren't ruling out Onslaught on PC but at this time we are researching how to bring it to PC without affecting players who don't have Onslaught or their own server to run it on.
Huruvida det till slut kommer Onslaught till PC-versionen eller ej beror nog mycket på marknaden och köparnas reaktioner. Än så länge verkar det i alla fall inte vara helt kört.

Källa: Battlefield Bloggen

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