Spelsidan Atomic Gamer har nu lagt upp en intervju med spelutvecklarna Crytek och fokus ligger såklart på deras kommande actionspel Crysis 2. Frågorna besvarars av spelets producent Nathan Camarillo. Här nedan kommer ett utdrag ur intervjun:
AG: For many gamers this will be their first exposure to the Crysis series. Taking that into account, is the sequel serving as sort of a fresh start for the franchise?Övriga saker som gås igenom är systemkrav, teknisk prestanda, nya funktioner och seriens utveckling. På det hela taget sätt en klart läsvärd och matnytt intervju för alla som ser fram emot spelet Crysis 2.
NC: We are looking at Crysis 2 as a reboot of the franchise. Not so much in the story, as there will be some narrative continuity between the first and second game, but it'll definitely serve as a jumping in point for new players. The story is a continuation to some extent, but you won't need to know what happened in Crysis in order to get into it. We're not completely changing things in, say, the way the Grand Theft Auto titles change from game to game, but aside from core ideas, like the Nanosuit, you're getting a fresh start. If you like a shooter that offers these awesomee powers, systemic gameplay, and a path that's not heavily scripted, you'll enjoy Crysis 2. And if you have not played the first game, we think the sequel may inspire you to go back and check it out.
Källa: Atomic Gamer
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