coder611: Will you change the PVP areas such as Arathi Basin, Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley in Cataclysm?Intervjun är klart intressant och innehåller mycket detaljterade frågor om balansändringar, karaktärsändringar och hur spelet kommer att utvecklas framöver. Bör läsas alltså.
Tom Chilton: Only when absolutely necessary. Cases where I would say it could end up being absolutely necessary would be when once we're doing testing on raided battlegrounds there are certain things that appear to create really bad gameplay for whatever reason, that doesn't normally emerge in the pickup group battlegrounds that we have today, that would be about the only scenario. Really we want to make sure that we keep those as true to their existing form as we reasonably can, and make sure that any new and crazy things that we try are in the newer battlegrounds. More than anything else with battlegrounds, we need more content.
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